Practical Audiology

Very pleasinng to see  in the Sept 2018 BATOD magazine with focus on practical audiology, several articles by Educational Audiologist alumni and/or tutors connected with the Mary Hare MSc/PGDip course:

Peter Keen – Beware of Lipreading Scores  and Speech Discrimination Analysis

Michelle Lane -  Becoming an Educational Audiologist

Jane  North – Speech Discrimination

Joyce Sewell-Rutter – Update of Autism and Deafness MESHGuide

Joy Wade – Sequential Bilateral Cochlear Implants and Complex Needs:  A Young Person’s Perspective

Gill Weston (and others) – Radio Aid MESHGuide

Gary Webster – The BKB Assessment and Soundfield Systems and  Practicalities of responding to the needs of children with APD

Stuart Whyte – Design-Integrated radio aid receivers for cochlear implants and electroacoustic checks