16-19 Bursary
Vulnerable Bursary
The vulnerable bursary is only available for a small number of students and we will notify any students who we believe are eligible to apply.
Discretionary Bursary
Each year we receive a small amount of money to help us to support students via discretionary financial awards.
Each application will be considered on its own merit, however we are required to take into account allowances or other sources of financial support received by a learner; though this does not necessarily exclude a student from receiving the Discretionary Bursary. Receipts or other appropriate evidence will be required to support any claims.
When a student applies for support via the discretionary bursary, we look at all the applications received and, where the applications meet the criteria, we will allocate some of the funds to help. The allocation may contribute fully or only in part towards the cost of an item, depending on what is being requested.
We have a bank of 16-19 bursary laptops that we can loan to students for the duration of their stay in the sixth form. We have also made contributions to support travel to and from university and college open days and educational trips, books, school clothing, and other requirements of a course.
Where physical items are purchased, these belong the property of Mary Hare once the student has left.
Next Steps:
If you think you may qualify for a Discretionary, please speak to Faye Webb, in confidence, or contact her on 01635244201/ [email protected] or complete the Discretionary Bursary application form below and return it to Mrs Faye Webb in the school office.