Admissions Info


Why Mary Hare?

You may be looking at Mary Hare because you want your child to learn through spoken and written English.  You may be looking for an inclusive environment where your child will find a large peer group of friends and where he or she will not feel 'different' or 'left out'.

We know that, at Mary Hare, we offer all this with the addition of qualified Teachers of the Deaf, a full Speech & Language Therapy team, an Audiology unit and specialist technologies in the classroom.  We welcome pupils from all Local Authorities in the United Kingdom as well as from abroad.  We take pupils throughout the academic year and into all year groups other than Years 11 and 13.  We would like to encourage you to come and have a look for yourself.  Book a visit using the form on the right. 

Every pupil hoping to join us will be assessed.  The length of time for an assessment visit will depend upon your child's current year group but one thing is definite, we will make sure that your child has an enjoyable visit, gets to know a bit more about us and makes some friends.  We will also make sure that you, as a parent, will be given the correct information regarding the assessment and funding process.  Our admissions team will be able to answer most questions and if they can't, they will find the right answer for you from other staff members. 

If you would like to book an assessment, please complete the appropriate form on the right.

Contact for Primary and Secondary School admissions:
[email protected]
01635 244233