Keep up to date with our Soundwave magazine
Soundwave is our annual magazine showcasing the highlights of all Mary Hare activities across the last academic year.
You can sign up to receive a digital copy of Soundwave which comes out every June.
Our goal is to cultivate a welcoming, friendly, and safe environment to uphold the health and wellbeing of all pupils and staff. The Medical Centre caters to the day-to-day medical needs of our pupils, from administering medications to handling minor issues like cuts and sprains. Working closely with Residential Care staff and parents, the Medical Centre staff assess unwell students and determine whether they need to go home or require further medical attention, such as a visit to the GP or hospital.
The nursing team actively promote health and wellbeing through teaching and advice in the Medical Centre. The Medical Centre holds a wealth of information leaflets on many medical issues for the pupils to read. The team are available to all pupils throughout the school.
Nurses take turn on-call system between 5:00pm-7:30am when they can be called on for advice or come in for an emergency. The team includes Lead Registered nurse Dana Smith, Registered nurse Anita King, Health care assistants Christina Prout and Mary McCarthy. In addition, many members of the school staff are qualified First Aiders and are available through boarding or the out of hours activity they are participating in, should the student require any assistance.
The Medical Centre provides over the counter medications such as paracetamol, Ibuprofen and other homely remedies. Pupils must not bring these medications into school. The school policy is that all prescribed medications brought into school must be in original box clearly labelled with the pupil’s name from pharmacy and must be handed in to the nurse.
All pupils bringing their own prescribed medications into school who wish to self-medicate, must see the School Nurse to be assessed and sign a self-medication form to meet School and ISI guidelines.
We advise Asthmatic pupils to always keep a spare inhaler with the nursing team as well as one with them. Pupils with Adrenaline Auto Injector (AAI) are required to keep one with them, one in boarding house and one in Dulverton Hall in case of emergencies. Two AAI pens are required for all school trips.
If a pupil is unwell, the Medical Centre staff are their initial point of contact. Students either come directly to the Medical Centre, or the Residential Care staff or teachers will send them.
The Medical Centre comprises of two bedrooms with two beds in each room, two shower rooms, two offices and a waiting area. The nursing team are responsible for all medical issues around the school. There are first aid kits available in most departments and one defibrillator located outside Arlington Arts Centre. The nurses have a wide range of medical policies some of which can be found on the school website. These are reviewed regularly in accordance with governance.
The school operates a strict 48-hour exclusion policy for all vomiting/diarrhoea illnesses, in line with the recommendations by Public Health England.
New boarders undergo a health screening and medical assessment within their first few weeks, and regular height and weight checks are conducted.
Our local GP Dr. Alistair Petter is at Downland Practice, East Lane, Chieveley, Tel: 01635 248251.
Any pupil who is registered with school GP can request to be seen through this service.
A student who is registered with Downland Practice and who needs to see another doctor during the holidays should be registered as a temporary patient with his/her doctor at home.
The GP will ensure all Asthmatics are seen regularly by the Asthma Nurse.
The Medical Centre hosts the West Berkshire School Immunisation Team who come into school to deliver the Child immunisation programme to the relevant students, including seasonal Flu vaccination.
School immunisation:
The Medical Centre staff accompany students to external appointments, including emergency visits to A&E and Minor injury Unit, as well as routine appointments like physiotherapy. Parents will be kept informed regarding their child’s health status and any necessary treatments.
Routine dental work and optician appointments should be arranged by parents or guardians during the school holidays.
Soundwave is our annual magazine showcasing the highlights of all Mary Hare activities across the last academic year.
You can sign up to receive a digital copy of Soundwave which comes out every June.