
Mary Hare Primary School Results

Progess at Mary Hare Primary is assessed in a number of ways, including termly formal assessments in writing, reading and maths and weekly spelling tests. Whenever possible, pupils also sit the standardised tests at the end of Key Stage 1 and Key stage 2. Unfortunately we are unable to report on the performance of our pupils in these end of key stage assessments  because the profile is so small there would be the risk of identification.

'Suppressed: Where there are 5 or fewer pupils or students covered by the measure at the school or college (10 in the case of pupil or student destinations measures), we avoid making these figures public to protect the privacy of those individuals.'


Mary Hare Secondary School and Sixth Form

Results from 2022 examinations will soon be posted here.  Please consult our news pages for an overview of our pupil's success.  

Celebrating GCSE results

Celebrating A Level results