Term Dates
Primary school
- Autumn Term 1 begins
Pupils return from 8.00am
- Staff Training Days Wed 28th, Thu 29th, Fri 30th August
- School starts at 9.30am
- Autumn Term 1 ends
- Parent consultation afternoon
- School finishes at 3.30pm (or after consultation finishes)
- Autumn Term 2 begins
School starts at 9.30am
- Autumn Term 2 ends
School finishes at 3.30pm
- Christmas celebration assembly
- Staff Training Day Friday 20th December
- Spring Term 1 begins
School starts at 9.30am
- Spring Term 1 ends
- Parent consultation afternoon
- School finishes at 3.30pm (or after consultation finishes)
- Spring Term 2 begins
School starts at 9.30am
- Spring Term 2 ends
School finishes at 3.30pm
- Summer Term 1 begins
School starts at 8.45am
- Staff Training Day Tuesday 22nd April
- May Bank Holiday: 5 May - Mary Hare Open Day School is open; normal school hours (9.30am - 3.30pm)
- Summer Term 1 ends
School finishes at 3.30pm
- Sports Day
- Summer Term 2 begins
School starts at 9.30am
- Summer Term 2 ends
School finishes at 3.30pm
- End of term celebration
Secondary school
- Autumn Term 1 begins
Pupils return from 8.00am
- Autumn Term 1 ends
School finishes at 1.30pm
- Year 11 Options Fair will take place in the morning
- Parent consultations for Year 11, 13 and 14 will take place in the afternoon
- Autumn Term 2 begins
Pupils can return between 2pm and 9pm on Sunday 3rd November
- Autumn Term 2 ends
School finishes at 1.30pm
- Year 10 and 12 parent consultations will take place in the afternoon
- Staff Training Day on Friday 20th December
- Spring Term 1 begins
Pupils can return between 2pm and 9pm on Sunday 5th January
- Spring Term 1 ends
School finishes at 1.30pm
- Year 9 Options morning with parent consultations in the afternoon
- Year 7 parent consultations in the afternoon
- Spring Term 2 begins
Pupils can return between 2pm and 9pm on Sunday 23rd February.
- Spring Term 2 ends
School finishes at 3.30pm
- Year 8 parent consultations will take place in the afternoon.
- Summer Term 1 begins
Pupils can return between 2pm and 9pm on Tuesday 22nd April
- Teaching staff training day on Tuesday 22nd April
- May Bank Holiday: 5 May - Mary Hare Open Day School is open; normal school hours (8.40am - 3.55pm)
- Summer Term 1 ends
School finishes at 3.30pm
- Summer Term 2 begins
Pupils can return between 2pm and 9pm on Sunday 1st June.
- Summer Term 2 ends
School finishes at 3.30pm
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