Little Hares: Deaf Baby and Toddler Support Group
Mary Hare School is opening its doors for families with deaf children to connect, share tips and advice, and access support from professionals in the field of deafness.
Suitable for deaf babies and toddlers aged 3 and under.
BSL interpreters will be available at each session.
Upcoming FREE drop in sessions:
Friday 13 September, 10am - Music Therapy
Friday 11 October, 10am - Sensory Play
Friday 8 November, 10am - Baby Signing
Friday 17 January, 10am - Reading Together
Friday 7 February, 10am - Music Therapy
Friday 21 March, 10am - Baby Signing
Friday 9 May, 10am - Audiology and Speech Therapy
Friday 6 June, 10am - Music Therapy
Friday 4 July, 10am - Sensory Play
When using the booking form below you may select multiple dates that you would like to attend.
Little Hares is kindly supported by: