Sixth Form Options Fair

Friday, 18 October 2024
Mary Hare School
Find out more about Mary Hare Sixth Form and explore the wide range of subjects to choose from.

If you are in Year 11 and thinking about where you would like to study for your Sixth Form studies, our Sixth Form Options morning will be a chance to come and take a look around the school, find out how we can support your future and to speak with our subject teachers about the variety of courses we offer.

A full programme of this event will be sent to you.

Click here to view our Sixth Form Prospectus online

Timings to be confirmed.

**Please note, this bookable event is for students and their families currently not attending Mary Hare School only. If you are a current student at Mary Hare School, we will be in touch with you and you will be given a separate itinerary for the day**

Event Booking Form

Personal Details

Contact Details

2nd Attendee
3rd Attendee
Authorised Mary Hare staff will be taking photographs throughout the day, to be used for Marketing purposes to promote future events and the work of Mary Hare. This will include for use on the Mary Hare website and Mary Hare social media platforms. If you would prefer not to be included for any reason, please select No.