Research via MSC and MA
- 2024, Blackett, Helen
What are the experiences of post-18 transition for a cohort of deaf young people from a residential special school?
- 2023, Bailey, Anne
A Comparison Between Two Different Speech in Noise Test Setups
- 2023, Breed, C
The Impact of Attending a Teenage Social Group for Young People who are Deaf and are in a Mainstream Education Setting
- 2023, Caswell, D
Comparing the effectiveness and relevance of using the Ling Sounds or the Ling-Madell-Hewitt Battery for verifying Child’s/Young Person’s speech perception with their hearing devices.
- 2023, Gambles, L
Exploring the Impact of Wireless Group Aid (WGAS) Technology on learners in the classroom
- 2023, Lowther, V
How frequently do deaf children initiate and engage in conversational turns in Early Years settings in comparison to hearing peers: the correlation of conversational turns with language and attainment outcomes.
- 2023, Nandra, S
A study to determine the effectiveness of an Emotional Literacy intervention with children aged 5-7, who are deaf.
- 2023, Terry-Short, K
Informed Decision Making on Assistive Listening Devices in Early Years
- 2023, Thorvardarsson, V
Educational Audiologists: Exploring the Perspectives of Heads of Sensory Services in the UK
- 2022, Bailey, Alice
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the SHAPE CODING™ System in improving the writing skills of children who are Deaf.
- 2022, Cromack, H
An investigation into the provision of assistive listening devices for deaf children in mainstream schools
- 2022, Millar, L
Early intervention 0 - 3 for deaf children in Northern Ireland: An investigation into the experiences and perspective of parents
- 2022, Pilsel, T
Inclusive education for the D/deaf primary aged child: What are the attitudesand perceptions of qualified Teachers of the Deaf working in resourced provisions working in resource basedD/deaf pupils' inclusion in mainstream primary classrooms?
- 2022, Welstead, B
A multiple case study: Using Thinking Maps and Thinking Hats to promote engagement and improve comprehension with reading of children who are severe and profoundly d/Deaf in primary school
- 2022, Wright, K
Exploring the impact of classroom acoustic measurments, and follow-up adaptations, on learners and staff in the classroom
- 2021, Davis S
The Impact of COVID on the teaching practices of Teachers of the Deaf during lockdown
- 2021, Ash S
The role of the Educational Audiologist in the UK: Experience and Perspectives from the field
- 2020, Chorekdjian-Jojaghaian, L
The 7 Stages of Writing Intervention and Its Application to Children Who Are Deaf
- 2020, Ingram, S
Will an Adult-Led Intervention Programme Increase the Attention and Listening Skills of Children who are Deaf?
- 2020 Lethbridge, R
Developing Vocabulary in Mathematics with Children who are Deaf
- 2020, Parker, L
A Retrospecitve Analysis of Cochlear Implant Electrode Deactivation in Paediactric Patients
- 2020, Haylett, M
Use of Remote Microphone Accessories with Young Children who have Cochlear Implants. An Investigation of Professionals’
Opinions and Experiences
- 2019, McClean, H
An explorative study of the perspectives of professionals working with young deaf children and of their families prior to the transition of their children to full time early years and foundation stage educational placements
- 2019, Marinus, F.
Adapatation and validation of the names speech audiometry test into Dutch
- 2018, Crewe, M.pdf
Examining the impact of unilateral and mild bilateral hearing loss on adolescent students who do not have regular specialist support: Experiences and perspectives in two mainstream schools
2018, Parker, G.pdf
Music as an Intervention for Deaf Pre-schoolers and their Families: A Channel for Communication
2018, Edwards, E.pdf
Mainstream teacher perceptions of working with deaf children in primary schools
2018, Ma'ayan, A.pdf
The role of quantitative linguistic feedback in early intervention for deaf children: using LENA to influence language environments and maternal self-efficacy
- 2017, Atkin, M.pdf
Soundfield systems and Radio Aids: Exploring the effects of rebroadcasting
- 2017, Demetriou-Stavrou, C.pdf
Children identified early with mild hearing loss: parents' views and expereinces
- 2017, Dutton, M.pdf
Does the age of cochlear implantation have long-term effects on CDT scores?
- 2017, Farren, M.pdf
Exploring Irish travellers' perspectives on accessing audiology services
- 2017, Martin,W.pdf
Real-Ear measurements: Moving evidence into practice
- 2017, Morris, A.pdf
Does self-esteem correlate with personal radio aid use in hearing impaired teenagers?
- 2016, Bevington, D.pdf
The views of professionals on the fitting of RM/FM systems to pre-school children
- 2016, Fogg, S.pdf
Investigating Specific Language Impairment in children with both hearing impairment and English as an additional language: Can the three co-exist?
- 2016, Sunderland, C.pdf
Remote microphone use with pre-school cochlear implanted children
- 2015, De Jean A.pdf
What are the expereinces of children and families during the habilitation process to bone conduction hearing aids?
- 2015, Limbert, A.pdf
A study into th eeffect of microphone placement on the effectiveness of the new Phonak Roger radio aid system
- 2015, Tingley K,.pdf
Does the Digital Roger System increase speech recognition in noise for severe to profoundly deaf children compared to the Genie FM System, in a classroom environment?
- 2015, Wade J.pdf
Clinical outcome and user expereinces of deaf young people with sequential bilateral cochlear implants
- 2014, Haigh. C.pdf
Is LIFE-R a useful tool for eliciting 'pupil voice': identifying effective teaching interventions and developing FM users self advocacy skills to enhance the optimal use of amplification systems
- 2014, Hender. J.pdf
Do cros aids assist puils with single sided deafness in school?
- 2014, Jackson. M.pdf
An evaluation of the Comfort Audio Radio System using a neck loop with a small group of high school students
- 2014, Miller. B.pdf
An evaluation of the Comfort Audio Neck Loop with a small sample of pupils with cochlear implants
- 2014, Potts. W.pdf
Reasons for the non-use of hearing aids amongst hearing-impaired children aged 9 - 14 years who attend mainstream schools
- 2014, Rayter. A.pdf
For pre-school children with post-aural hearing aids: Do parents perceive a difference in listening and communication behaviour at home once fitted with a Radio Aid system for nine weeks
- 2014, Stott. A.pdf
Are phonic screen scores in year one an indicatoir of how children with a hearing loss can read for meaning?
- 2013, Belcher. K.pdf
How do hearing impaired students respond to classroom soundfield systems? A case study of subjective student perception and speech discrimination data
- 2013, Bicknell. W.pdf
Is precision teaching an effective tool to help deaf students learn new vocabulary?
- 2013, Dudley. E.pdf
An investigation into whether the current training and monitoring of mainstream teachers in the use and management of personal FM systems leads to effective practice in the classroom
- 2012, Graham. C.pdf
The effect of hearing aids on hearing patterns in children and young people with mild conductive or unilateral hearing losses: a case study
- 2012, Jacks. C.pdf
Exploring the pretend play of children with hearing loss
- 2012, Reed-Beadle EA.pdf
An assessment of the developing narrative skills of two children: a case study
- 2011, Bealing, S.pdf
The classroom in the clinic: An investigation into the feasibility of recreating a classroom listening environment in a clinical setting
- 2011, Boddy, C.pdf
Evaluation of the effect of school language environment upon language development in hearing impaired children: a quasi-experimental study
- 2011, Ditchfield. G.pdf
An evaluation of the impact of phonological processing ability and vocabulary development on access to the curriculum for hearing impaired children in a classroom environment
- 2010, Hoyer. J.pdf
Hearing aid refusers educated in mainstream secondary schools: An evaluation of unaided access to speech and the social, psychological and educational impact for pupils with mild or moderate hearing impairment
- 2010, Mardell. W.pdf
Evalution of the 'Sound Assurance Protocol' as a prediction of the efficacy of sound field amplificatino systems within the classroom environment
- 2010, Weston. G.pdf
Evaluation of the impact of early diagnosis and intervention on the language development in hearing impaired infants and the impact on their families
- 2009, Champney. L.pdf
An evaluation of the impact of age at cochlear implantation on language development: a professional and parental perspective
- 2009, Harlin. E.pdf
FM Advantage? An evaluation of the effect of recent adaptive FM advantage technology in enabling access to speech in challenging listening conditions on a pupil centred approach
- 2008, Hawkins. S.pdf
Deaf children's social inclusion in mainstream school: a case study
- 2008, Paylor. A.pdf
The relative value of sound field systems and acoustic treatment in creating an optimum listening environment in mainstream classrooms: A case study
2007, Bysouth. M.pdf - Improving upon the listening expereince of deaf musicians: Using digital technology to enhance enjoyment and critical self analysis
- 2007, Garside. A.pdf
Inclusion in Higher Education: A longitudinal study of the experiences of hearing impaired students in a university setting
- 2007, Maiden. H.pdf
Adaption required to enable deaf professionals to undertake audiological assessments of their hearing impaired clients: A survey
2006, Holer. P.pdf - An evaluation of the effectiveness of soundfield systems in improving speech perception in different acoustic environments
- 2006, Ivimey. A.pdf
The influence of replacement earmoulds on the real-ear-to-coupler-difference measured in children
- 2006, Suddick. E.pdf
An evaluation of the effect of classroom noise on the speech perception ability of hearing impaired children in mainstream education: a case study
- 2004, Bellinger. D.pdf
An evaluation of voice-actuation of microphones within a digitally-controlled Group Hearing Aid system
- 2004, Bull. L.pdf
An examination of the validity of using SIFTER as a screening tool for CAPD using psychoacoustic tests
- 2003, Blaiklock. T.pdf
Otitis media with effusion: a family perspective
- 2003, Browning. C.pdf
A comparative study of two alternative methods for balancing type II FM systems with digital signal processing (DSP) hearing aids
- 2003, Flannery. M.pdf
U or non-U in ICT?
- 2003, Maudsley. C.pdf
Acoustics in the learning environment
- 2003, Rountley. C.pdf
A case study of a cochlear implanted child with auditory neuropathy
- 2003, Wilding. G.pdf
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the acoustic environment created in a purpose-built school building constructed in 2002
- 2002, Beaumont. K.pdf
The consonant development of young severely/profoundly deaf children
- 2002, Broughton. A.pdf
Classroom acoustics: Perception and reality
- 2002, Hill. S.pdf
A comparitive study of deaf children's peer acceptance with their speech intelligibility
- 2002, McCall. J.pdf
Study of the effect of Soundfield FM amplification systems on speech intelligibility in science labs in a secondary school
- 2002, Sewell-Rutter.pdf
The inter-relationship between speech production and speech perception in deaf children: a pilot research methodology
- 1999, Wylie. S.pdf
An examination of the pastoral systems within a successful, selective, non-maintained, residential special school for 11 - 18 hearing impaired students