Julie Shepherd, Governor

Appointed January 2023

After graduating with an Economics and History degree Julie worked for a number of large London based companies including J Sainsbury, Price Waterhouse as well a number of investment banks in IT and Project Management roles. Julie worked overseas in Brussels and New York during the 1990s. 

After relocating to West Berkshire with young children Julie volunteered as Treasurer for the NCT and at her daughters’ primary school parents’ association, where she became Chair. Returning to work Julie moved into the education sector as a Business Manager for two primary schools before moving to St Bartholomew’s School in Newbury, leaving in the summer of 2022. 

Julie volunteers at Swings and Smiles in Newbury helping with their finances and became a Governor at Mary Hare in January 2023 where she is a member of the Finance Committee and Deputy Health and Safety Governor.