
Qualifications offered are:

Functional Skills English Entry levels 1,2,3  with Pearson/Excel

Functional skills levels 1 and 2 with AQA

GCSE English with AQA 

GCSE English Literature with AQA

A Level English Literature with OCR



Term 1: Autumn 

Term 2: Winter

Term 3: Spring

Term 4: Summer


Guided Reading

Students will study a reading book in lessons designed to develop their thinking and inference skills.  



Guided Reading

Students will study a reading book in lessons designed to develop their thinking and inference skills.  

Creative Writing Skills

Using techniques and ideas inspired by their reading student create their own characters and stories.


 Students will explore Shakespeare’s life, work and types of audience as an introduction to one of the following plays.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream or Twelfth Night




Introduction to poetry language techniques, imagery, social historical context and writer's purpose.  Students will also develop their extended writing skills.



Guided Reading

Students will study a reading book in lessons designed to develop their thinking and inference skills. 

Guided Reading

Students will study a reading book in lessons designed to develop their thinking and inference skills. 

Introduction to Pre-1914 literature texts

Students will explore extracts from Jane Eyre, I Christmas carol, The Selfish Giant, Nicholas Nicholby and Far from the Madding Crowd.

Class Reading Book

Shared reading of a novel, developing their knowledge of how writers use language and structure to engage readers.


Black British Writing

Students will undertake a writing project


Creative Writing Skills

Using techniques and ideas inspired by their reading student create their own characters and stories.


Media Studies

Students learn about how to  create print, web and film news reports. They will present a news report on film or write an extended non-fiction piece expressing a viewpoint.

Narrative Poetry

The Highwayman, The Wild Irish Rose

Students develop their understanding of English cultural heritage and the way language, form and structure create meaning in a text.


Summarising and comparing characters, places and events in fiction extracts

Students begin building and developing analytical skills in preparation for GCSE

Analysing Drama

Shared reading of a play, developing students’ knowledge of how writers use language and structure to create meaning and the significance of social and historical context in
An Inspector Calls.

Pre-1914 extracts (fiction and non-fiction)

Students prepare for GCSE study by learning to analyse unseen texts, such as Frankenstein, Northanger Abbey, Wuthering Heights, Dracula.



Shared reading of Romeo and Juliet, developing students’ knowledge of social/historical context and how writers use language and structure to create meaning. 

Shakespeare (cont’d)

Poetry Anthology

Students will be developing their understanding and use of figurative language and imagery through their study of poems in the Power and Conflict AQA anthology; namely Poppies, Charge of the Light Brigade, War Photographer and Ozymandias












Approachng ‘Unseen’ Text Skills

Summarising and comparing a range literary extracts.

Figurative Language Skills

           Analysing language techniques in a range of literary extracts.

Creative writing  Skills

Using language and structure techniques, to describe and to express a point of view.

Reading for meaning skills

Summarising and comparing characters, places and events in fiction extracts.




Close study and revision of Romeo and Juliet.

19th Century Novels

Continued close study of A Christmas Carol

Power and Conflict Poetry

Close study of a selection of poems set by the AQA examination board

Modern Texts

Completion and revision of the AQA Power and Conflict anthology










Reading for meaning  skills

Reading literary fiction for Paper 1.

Paper 1 writing skills

Further developing creative writing and descriptive techniques.

Spoken Language Assessments  

Reading for meaning skills

Reading literary non fiction and comparing writers’ viewpoints for Paper 2 preparation.

Preparation for Mock exams.

Paper 2 writing skills 

Further developing writing for different purposes and to express viewpoints. Exam preparation. Revision and practice papers.

After school revision sessions.



Power and Conflict Poetry

Revision of An Inspector Calls

Reading literary fiction and non-fiction, and comparing writers’ viewpoints.

19th Century Novels

Revision of the 19th century novel.

Preparation for Spoken Language presentations.

Exam Preparation

Revising Shakespeare and the modern text.

Exam Preparation

Revision and practice papers.

After school revision sessions.